Monday, February 28, 2011

Proverbs 31:30 (Not Just A Girl's Verse)

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

This post is going to be broken into two audiences.

I just want to share with you how real this verse is. If you write this off as, “Oh, that’s just one of those verses all the Christian girls I know like…” and don’t give it a second thought, then I’d encourage you to study it. If it is one thing I have experienced, it is this: “beauty” and charm are a dime a dozen. So, there has to be that “other” factor. Because if everyone is beautiful and charming, what makes someone worth giving any recognition to? A woman who follows the Lord, and knows what is worthy and good in life is rare. If the purpose of being married is to be glorifying Christ, then it only makes sense to want to be with someone who is seeking Him, and wants to encourage you to do the same. I’ll end this with one last thing; wait on Him, and seek Him more, and you will see what He finds beautiful.

I know you have heard this verse (probably a million times). But don’t become calloused to it. It is true! If a girl’s heart is caught up in Jesus, then I’d say the transitive property would prove that if Jesus is attractive, then so is the girl is who is caught up in Jesus. Make sense? As with the rest of the Bible, this verse is really important, and be encouraged knowing it is true. And all I have to say is, keep seeking Him, and keep following. Because Jesus is beautiful. And He makes all of His followers beautiful.

I had learned this awhile ago, but I never put it in a blog. I learned by experience, spending time with Jesus, and His Word.

1 comment:

Caroline Hammond said...

Very encouraged Kyle! Thanks for this!