Sunday, August 15, 2010

"The love of God is stronger, Than the power of death"

Earlier today, two Wingate University students lost their lives in a car accident. This was so tragic, and so...unpredictable. It came out of nowhere, and the students had so much potential. Even though I had personally not met the two students, I felt so burdened for their families. God is perfect, and His ways are without error. I know that this was not expected but God knows what will happen, and He is in control. There is peace in the fact that all we have is God. He is our only constant. I was so burdened today for those individuals, and I had not met them. Death is a powerful thing. Reduces us to tears, anger, bitterness, sadness, distrust. I can identify with the John Mark McMillan lines; "The love of God is stronger, Than the power of death". I fully, richly, understood that today after praying with others. How petty my prayers are. There is only one thing we should worry about; our brothers and sisters' salvation. How sad that it would take such a huge event for me to really, really, understand that. I mean, I have always wished to do anything, and bold things for the Gospel. But scary it is that life is that much more delicate. He loves us. That's for certain. In my sadness, God can be exalted.

I think what I want to say is, love each other. I don't tell people that enough. Christ loves us more than we can comprehend, and we all want to be loved by each other. If you love someone, you need to tell them. And, when someone tells you they love you, don't be so worried about what their agendas are. When someone says they love you, they mean it. Love doesn't need to be reciprocated. Love is a phone call. A text message . A letter. Love is a statement; it's not a conversation. How long can we go without supporting each other, and without truly saying those three words. Love is fragile. And life is more fragile. Go forth, and love.

Father, I pray to you that You will comfort those families directly affected. God, You are beautiful. You are worthy of all our praise. There are no circumstances that You would ever leave us or forsake us. You are love. I praise You, and I thank You for what You will do with us, and this campus. Yaweh, You are wonderful. I am in Your presence, and Your splendor every waking moment. Please be with all of Wingate, and all of the affected families.

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