This year has been quite challenging. I apologize for not keeping you posted on how I have been. A lot has happened. A lot! I am going through challenges and trials; I’m certain. God is challenging me to grow in Him, and grow to strengthen others. Jesus Himself prayed for me. (How awesome is that?):
“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."- Luke 22:31-32
He is growing me and changing me. It is quite the process. I am consistently learning and re-learning that ALL I have is Christ. Him and Him only. It gives us peace, but I dislike being so stubborn.
Let me catch you up on some epic things that have happened this year:
- I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And in my upper room experience, Jesus Himself hugged me! It was so amazing. We serve an intimate and wonderful God! It seems as though there may be a secret, but not really. Here was my prayer, I simply pleaded, “Give me more of You, Jesus!”. That was it :)
- God has really blessed me this year. He has given me a leadership position and a true blessing with Wingate Wide Prayer. He has used me to lead that, and I don’t deserve it. I am such an awful servant. We serve a generous and merciful God. What a blessing. I have seen people cry, and be moved by the Spirit, and I have seen people’s walks develop at these meetings. God is so great.
- He has blessed me with amazing brothers in Christ this year. So wonderful. They are my best mates. I love them dearly. They share my connection with the Father, and they love me. I am so very thankful for them. Thanks be to God for them!
- I am growing in who Christ wants me to be. He has developed me to become more and more selfless, sacrificial, and generous. I am so thankful. I want to be just like Him when I grow up.
- I’m learning that I am unashamed of the gospel. It is so wonderful, how could I ever say that’s not all there is to life?? It IS Life. I love Jesus. He is my life. That’s all.
- I love my fellas on my floor. Being an RA isn’t easy, but I want them to see the love of Christ in me, and to learn how amazing He is!
- I am extending this which has been on my heart recently: To those I love, I love you. That means through the thick and thin; I have your back. I want to be that way. I don’t want to let you down..Ever. I want to be there for you.
- I am continuing to learn that I desire and want to love someone as much as Christ has loved the Church (do my best anyway). I want to give the love He has given me to someone else. Relentless, passionate, beautiful, and patient love.
- God used people to prophesy over me. He wants me to become a leader. A leader that is relatable to King David. I want to continue this new found humility that I have felt, and be the leader Christ wants me to be.
Lord Jesus,
I am so thankful for all that You have given me. I need You. I need You to fight for me, and fight my battles. I can’t do it alone. For in Deuteronomy 3:22, You said, “Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you”. I need You. Build me to be the leader that You have destined to be. Let my life be a sacrifice to You for all that You have done. Grow in me Your sacrificial, selfless, and abundant love so that I can put that into practice. Forgive me for my sins, forgive me for being myself. Create in me a clean and pure heart! I want to be pure. I want to ascend the ‘hill of the Lord’. I want to be holy. I want to be righteous. I want to be Your son. Let me love others as You have loved me. I thank You for dying my death, for letting me become righteous. Above all, thank You for being You. For being THE God!