Saturday, July 31, 2010

Only God Knows..(And I don't)

I feel like the biggest, most monumental thing that has happened since returning from Summer Beach Project would be nothing. I feel so unproductive. I am meeting with the Lord in His Word, but I long for conversations with fellow believers. I long for activities. It's kind of funny how much I wished to rest while at Project, and now, I'd rather be busy all the time. That bubble I was in...remarkable. Quite the culture shock when I returned to home.
I sure hope it's just boredom, but I am really looking forward to going back to school. I know that school will bring challenges, but it is where I want to be.
What will this year hold academically, only God knows. And, if friends shouldn't return to school this year...I have no control over that. I will miss them. I am in no way completely at peace with that, but the Lord knows what is best for them, me, and our school.
The Lord knows what's best. Even better is the lesson that I have a hard time learning; the only consistency in my life is Christ. Outside of Him and left up to my's up and down from day to day, month to month, and most certainly year to year.

Father, I wish I could be constantly fulfilled in You enough that I wouldn't wish I was at a different place in my life. That, where You have me, is the best place for me to be. And fill my life with You, so that I am not trying to find life outside of You, because You are LIFE. I pray that I will gain courage to face my days as they come, and not look ahead to a time when it will be simpler or easier.

Listen to some Mayer:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jesus Is My Life. ישו הוא בחיים שלי

So, coming off the best summer of my life, I have experienced Jesus Christ in many ways, and this blog has to contain all of that information, right?
Well, it's not that simple. I have learned way too much, and really, I will need time to process all of that. There are many things that distinctly stand out in how I have learned about our Savior though.
One is this prayer:
"9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request."
- 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

I read a book on that prayer right before Summer Beach Project ( ironically, I lost it at Summer Beach Project, I hope someone found it & prayed that to God). I never really tried to pray that verbatim, but I used it. I prayed that God would give me opportunities to share His gospel...and He did...within hours or minutes. I would pray for protection...and He provided it. I would pray for His blessing...and I am blessed every minute. Not saying that this prayer is the quick fix prayer, or "Prayer for dummies".
But, ultimately, God showed me this summer that anytime I want to do something that will glorify His Name or His Kingdom, God gives me an abundance of opportunities, and for some strange reason, He wishes to use me in His grand plan and in His Will.

Another thing I have seen is the description of who I am. It used to be this: "I love Christ and the Cross, I play music, I love music...I love John Mayer, The Killers, and alternative rock....I enjoy sports, and...". Now...
I count that all as loss!
It's not like I didn't love Jesus Christ, or that I was lost, it is simply that now, the only real joy, the only real love I hold is described in Christ. His Death, Resurrection, and Holy Spirit are my life. I know that all good things are from Christ Jesus, and my life is a living sacrifice.
Oh, how I love Jesus Christ.
I found a Psalm that says it all: " I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." - Psalm 16:2
Nothing. I have no good thing.

I have enjoyed the fellowship I was a part of at Summer Beach Project; maybe it's a sample of Heaven?
I wish I was back at Project, a day later I write this. But, my purpose for going was not for myself, but for the glory of Christ, and with this experience, I will be part of the Holy Spirit's change of Wingate University.

Father, thank you for bringing me to Summer Beach Project. The knowledge I have gained will only help me further Your Kingdom. I thank You for using others who spent time with me so that I may grow up in You. I thank You for the gospel of Your Son. And please, help me to die to myself, and be resurrected in You, and may I shine a light, that people will see myself as a life that is living for you. Thank You, Father.